Agile Project Canvas
The Agile Project Canvas created by Ardita Karaj is a structured tool that helps project team thinking, discussing and defining the scope in the beggining of any project.
According to LeanPub when a business identifies a new project need, you should start having some initial discussions over the Agile Project Canvas and focus mostly on boxes 1, 2,3. Once you conclude that this idea is worth to be explored, you should extend your footprint to other areas that bring expertise and knowledge about solutions and work that needs to be done.
Any work that needs to be done in order to complete the canvas, is tracked on the Kanban board at the bottom of the canvas. Stop when you are ready to move forward or put a break on this idea. Hopefully you decide to continue. And the next step is to plan for this work
This tool has a 1-3 weeks timebox to be completed. You do not want to make this a long activity. The whole goal of using this tool is to speed up the conversations and decision making.
Checkout other business canvases in our Canvas Database