SaaS Business Canvas
SaaS Business Canvas breaks down to the micro economic view and get insights of sales person and customers for software as a service businesses.
According to Altexsoft, not that long ago, organizations had to rely on a number of established tools to build their business models, strategize, and innovate. The business plan use as we know it today started to decline in the 1980s and 1990s due to its complexity and time-consuming research process. This decline has – not surprisingly – been in step with the high-tech boom and Silicon Valley’s startup culture.
Today startups, especially of the tech variety, cannot afford such luxury. To keep up with competitors, grow rapidly, and innovate, they require a truly agile technique, a mind map of sorts that’s easy to write, edit, and comprehend. That’s the SaaS Business Canvas.
Checkout other business canvases in our Canvas Database